The name of the game is getting the bugs off of the teeth. “BUGS BE GONE” is Job One. Get it done without causing harm.
Is once a day enough? Yes! It takes bacteria about 24 hours to re-colonize on your teeth. So, if you zap the bugs once daily, you can maintain health. Do it more often for your mouth to feel clean and your breath to smell fresh but do it at least once a day - THOROUGHLY - for health.
Is there a secret to good home care? Sorry, no secret. And it’s not all that easy either. But you can learn how! It may take some effort so don’t get discouraged. If you stick with it, you’ll get there.
Make home care a habit by doing it at the same time everyday. There may be added benefit to doing it before bed but the key is consistency, so make it the most convenient time for you. In the shower, after breakfast, after lunch, after exercise, after dinner, before bed, in bed—same time, EVERYDAY. No excuses. Just do it!
Be Systematic
Learn your way around your mouth. Imagine you’re trying to clean ivory pegs (your teeth) sticking out of two horseshoes (your jaws) that are inside your mouth.
Pay attention to what you’re doing, where you’re doing it and if you’re being effective! This could be the most important tip of all!! Put brain in gear before cleaning!
See more teeth brushing tips
● Use a soft brush A hard one can damage the gums. You need to be thorough but not forceful.
● Make sure you get the area where the tooth meets the gum. Don’t use the same stroke every time - go in different motions. Pretend you’re scrubbing mold off of tile - but remember - don’t press hard, just be thorough.
● Spend longer on the insides and in the back.Spend at least twice as much time on the insides and the back because these are the most difficult sites to get clean. Watch yourself in the mirror to help make sure you’re reaching "where the tooth meets the gums!"
● Consider investing in a quality electric toothbrush.They’re not essential, however, most people do a better job with them. See the last page of this handout for more information.
● Brush your Tongue and the Roof of Your Mouth.Clean your mouth – not just your teeth. Use a tongue scraper to take it to the next level!
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New Patients: (808) 400-8090 Existing Patients: (808) 596-7788
Tuesday to Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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Created by DearDoc.
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