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| Trusted Periodontist in Honolulu |

Braden C. Seamons, DDS

Dr. Braden Seamons continuously voted best dentist


Dr. Braden Seamons attended the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry and graduated in 1978. He then entered the Naval Dental Corps, where he practiced general dentistry for ten years. His postgraduate training was at Naval Dental School Bethesda, which he completed in 1989. After practicing as a periodontist in the Navy until 2003, he retired from military service and entered private practice. Dr. Braden Seamons is a Board Certified Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. He continues to take numerous continuing education courses to remain aware of the latest trends in periodontics and implant therapy.

Personal Life

Dr. Braden Seamons lives in Kūpikipikiʻō, Oahu with his lovely wife Edi & Harli - their Australian Bulldog! He enjoys swimming, playing harmonica & Travel.

His ApproacH

Dr. Braden Seamons opened his periodontal practice in Honolulu in 2003. Dr. Braden Seamons prides himself on being on the leading edge of periodontal therapy, including laser periodontal surgery. Our Honolulu office has a truly unique design. His dedication to his practice and his patients has earned him the recognition of being awarded Honolulu Magazine's Best Dentists in Hawaii every year since 2010.